Jobs at adtribute Software GmbH

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About adtribute Software GmbH

We’re building the data platform for fast-growing Online Businesses. Due to regulatory and technological changes over the past few years, the biggest data-related problem online marketers face today is inaccurate data. The vast majority of companies have recognized this problem and are in desperate need for a solution. We are here to solve that problem by focusing on providing the best data possible. On top of the best possible data we are building a platform that makes it easy for online marketers to generate insights and turn their data into action. Ultimately, online marketers create better company outcomes using adtribute. The product is built to serve large and fast-growing online businesses. Our unique focus on these types of businesses seems to resonate quite well within that market segment as we have industry-leading customers like Snocks or Purelei. On top of that, our #1 acquisition channel are referrals by happy customers.