Arbeitnow - the Berlin based job board - has an organic jobs integration with Greenhouse - which helps you optimize every aspect of hiring.
Based in New York City with offices in San Francisco, Denver and Dublin, Greenhouse Software is the leader in hiring software. Over 4,000 of the smartest and most successful companies like HubSpot, Cisco Meraki, Buzzfeed, J.D. Power and Warby Parker use Greenhouse’s hiring software platform to improve all aspects of hiring, helping them to attract top talent.
Here's how you can integrate easily with the Applicant Tracking System - Greenhouse.
Unlike other free external job boards such as Indeed, which are enabled on a per-job basis through the Job Post Edit page, Arbeitnow job posts are handled at the organization level in Greenhouse Recruiting. Arbeitnow posts will either be On/Off for every job that is currently live on your job board.
To enable free job posts to Arbeitnow for a job board, click the Configure icon

Configure in Greenhouse Recruiting
in the upper-right corner of your Greenhouse Recruiting Dashboard page. Click Job Boards & Post from the left panel.

Greenhouse Job Boards
inline with the job board name. Click Edit from the dropdown menu.

Greenhouse Job Boards - Edit
On the Edit Your Job Board page, navigate to the Allow candidates to apply directly from Arbeitnow section and click the radio icon next to Yes.

Allow candidates to apply directly from Arbeitnow
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save when finished.
Moving forward, all job posts associated with the job board will be sent to Arbeitnow when they are published. Candidates applying through these job posts will be added to Greenhouse Recruiting with a source of Arbeitnow.

Choose a free job board in Greenhouse ATS
Note: Once a job post is published, Greenhouse Recruiting begins sending the job post information to Arbeitnow within 3–4 hours. It can take up to 48 hours for that information to be processed and for the job post to appear on Arbeitnow's website.
To edit the content of a post on Arbeitnow, or to remove it entirely from the Arbeitnow website, edit or unpublish the job post as necessary in Greenhouse Recruiting. Your changes will be reflected on Arbeitnow’s website shortly.
Jobs from Greenhouse are available on our free job posting API.
Quotes and steps to integrate have been included from the Greenhouse Support article for Arbeitnow & Blog pages